The Hierarchy of data at a Dbquity Site

page modified: 2024/08/07 12:39:26

Using the In app, a number of published site models may be deployed to a Dbquity site.

As prescribed by the Dbquity Metamodel, each deployment creates a number of areas at the site; one for each area declared, and inside each area, a number of entity collections, associations and containers will appear and be populated by nested entities forming a hierarchy of entities as the site is used; all according to the declarations of the deployed models. An area can only exist at the top level of the site hierarchy, and other types of entities always reside inside an area.

For example, the ShoppingList example model

creates this hierarchy at deployment:

which during actual use will fill up with entity instances, e.g., like this:

Note that an association is implemented as a collection of entities that each associate individual entities.